God's word is inspired. Not just the words but the order. When God wrote the 10 commandments the order is important. Honor thy Father and Mother comes before Thou shalt not kill for a reason. The reason is because how you treat and honor your parents is a true and actual reflection of how you treat God. Since your relationship with God determines your eternal destiny how you treat your parents is somewhat of an indication of your destination.

When Adam sinned, the Bible clearly states that Adam was not deceived as Eve was. Adam knew what he was doing. It has been written by various authors that Adam ended up in choosing Eve over God. What would have happened had Adam chose to obey God we will never know, however, in knowingly sinning he damned the whole human race. Was it just disobedience? Was it even idolatry, putting his wife before God? I am not sure. However, I am sure that loving your wife and "leaving and cleaving" does not abrogate the responsibility to Honor your father and mother. A Christian must do both. It is actually his responsibility to see to it that his whole family honors his parents.


  1. This is a very needed message today. Sadly, I know of many grown children who are choosing their wives over honoring their parents. Indeed, I know of two situations where the husband chose his wife's selfishness instead of his sisters. So the relationship between siblings was broken (or limited greatly) because of a woman who was controlling. I am thankful that I have a good relationship with my siblings, but I grieve for others. And I grieve for those who are not able to see their children and grandchildren because of women who cannot see beyond the end of their own noses. They have no idea of the damage they are doing to their husbands and children. And the men are giving up their responsibilities as husbands in order to bow to the wishes of their wives.


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