I  remember a time when my first born was very young and an only child. My son went to visit relatives with his dad and I went alone to visit my family. We visited Sea World and San Diego Zoo. Every time I saw something neat I turned to show it to my son. He was not there. It was okay because he was happy with his dad and we would be all back together in a few days. 

A few weeks later an old friend came back to my church. She had transferred away with her military husband and in her absence she had been in a bad car accident and lost her firstborn. When she came and visited her second son had joined the family but that did not fix the hole in her heart. When I looked her the thought came to my mind, "acquainted with grief" from Isaiah 53. I knew she was as well. I thought about the days at the parks and I thought how a young mom would feel every day, she would turn to tell her son something or show her son something and he would not be there. Never again be there. 

Our Saviour was also acquainted with grief. And, we are not immune to the grief. Grief caused by sin, a fallen world, fallen people. People who have no problem hurting you because of their selfish desires. People who pretend to be good, righteous and holy, but have even deceived themselves and are indulging themselves in great sin and folly. Grief comes to every one of us because of sin. No matter what, sin will always hurt us until Christ comes and makes a new heaven and a new earth.


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